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Moon Modeler
Schema design tool for Mongoose & MongoDB

Mongoose diagram

Key features for Mongoose schema design

Mongoose diagram made in Moon Modeler

Draw schema designs for Mongoose

Visually design Mongoose schema, specify schema and other objects . Draw references among schema and define specifics of Mongoose properties.

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Quick and comfortable schema design for Mongoose

Visually define your Mongoose structures. Moon Modeler focuses on simplicity and offers a friendly user interface.
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Quick start guide for Mongoose

Mongoose diagram, light theme
Notes in diagrams for Mongoose ODM

Generate documentation and share diagrams with others

During your database modeling actions you can arrange Mongoose objects in sub-diagrams, colorize items, change diagram settings to display important elements of your design and more.

Generate interactive documentation easily! You can also export diagrams to high-quality PDF files.

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Preview and generate scripts

Generate Mongoose scripts together with other options. When your database modeling for Mongoose is finished, click a button on the main toolbar and immediately see code preview – formatted and with syntax highlighting.
You can also add custom code to BEFORE and AFTER sections and save scripts for whole your project or for just a single Mongoose schema.

Generated Mongoose script


Moon Modeler

Moon Modeler for MongoDB and Mongoose is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Trial version expires 14 days after installation.

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Moon Modeler

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