What’s new in
Galaxy Modeler version 9
This page was updated on January 17th
Developed with Security in Mind
The development of Galaxy Modeler 9 was mainly focused on security.
We have made a number of technical modifications and upgraded components to higher versions.
We managed to significantly reduce the technology debt
and ensure the correct behavior of the new version.
This could also be done thanks to improved automated tests.
Like every release, this one was tested using unit, end-to-end and specific automated and manual tests.
The development has taken a longer period of time, but it is consistent
with our commitment to develop and maintain a stable and reliable product.
Flexible Canvas
Now you can manipulate diagrams more easily,
moving all objects on the diagram to add space to the left or top side.
We have also improved the drag diagram feature.

Single File Output
The generated schema definition script is now stored in a single file. Of course, you can write your own templates to generate the output you need.
We have added a button Beautify to the toolbar. When enabled, the resulting script is automatically formatted.
Improved Import from URL
We have improved the feature of importing schema from URLs.
It is now possible to import schema from projects and addresses from the GitHub® repository.

Improved Export to PDF
Set the page size and export diagrams to multiple pages. In Diagram Settings, enable or disable Display page size lines to show or hide page dimensions in the diagram.
Galaxy Modeler
Galaxy Modeler is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Trial version expires 14 days after installation.
Galaxy Modeler
You can use the same license key on Windows, Linux and MacOS.